• We been given the mandate from God, who is the source of our vission to bridge the gap in academic deficencies and the degradation of ethics and morality in our current society. And through his devine help, we have developed a learning model which incorporate Nigerian/British curriculum using Computer/ ITC Based learning module, which caters for an array of Leadership Trainings and developments, following sound biblical principles so as to achieve each learning theme objectives in order to make our learners become academically sound, self reliance, morally and spiritually sound, equipped to stand out in both local and international sphere and to become potential leaders of tomorrow.

            We understand that learning in the 21 century has taken a shift from the conventional ways of learning and have geared towards hi-tech information revolution which has ushered in learning digitalization and the use of information, computer and technology in schools, this advancements has now increase learning efficiency and has set the pase for AI technologies which is our new world latest relialities. Due to this reason we are poised to take the leading steps, and to ensure that we do not lack behind or to be seen behind while the world takes leap into this great revolution. This is why we have become the hub for ICT based learning, having our facilities fully equiped with the latest state of the arts ICT learning gadgets.


          • We believe that every child on the planet earth has potentials loaded up in them by the Almighty God their maker. But some of these potentials are bottled up and remain unexpressed because there has not been an efficient model put in place to harvest these precious potentials which our children are gifted with. This is where Freedom City Int'l Christian School comes in.

            Act 8:30   " And Philip ran tither to him and learnt him read the prophets Esias and said, understandest thou what thou readest ? And he said how can I except someone to guide me?  And he desired  Philip should come up and sit with him.
            It takes a special kind of person to communicate certain wisdom and knowledge to another.  Therefore the question that is crucial for every parent to ask should be .
            Who are these special kinds of people ?  Does my child enjoy the privilege of tutorship and mentor-ship from these special persons?

            ANSWER:   They are people with divine insight and revelational knowledge for the set work. People who have and hear from the Holy Spirit. (Act 8:29  " Then the Spirit said to Philip, Go near and join thyself to his chariot"  it's insight that births impartation.
            Freedom City Int'l Christian School is in obedience to the same mandate from God, and has also been confirmed by God himself with proofs since the birth of this vision.



          • Morbi volutpat enim
          • Etiam lacinia feugiat libero, quis sodales metus porta quis. Proin maximus feugiat ipsum id rhoncus. Donec quis dolor eu est sagittis cursus sed eu ex. Suspendisse bibendum dignissim justo. Aliquam vestibulum magna at iaculis eleifend. Sed mattis ligula et sem egestas rutrum. Vestibulum

          • Placerat ipsum
          • Etiam lacinia feugiat libero, quis sodales metus porta quis. Proin maximus feugiat ipsum id rhoncus. Donec quis dolor eu est sagittis cursus sed eu ex. Suspendisse bibendum dignissim justo. Aliquam vestibulum magna at iaculis eleifend. Sed mattis ligula et sem egestas rutrum. Vestibulum

          • Aliquam congue fermentu
          • Etiam lacinia feugiat libero, quis sodales metus porta quis. Proin maximus feugiat ipsum id rhoncus. Donec quis dolor eu est sagittis cursus sed eu ex. Suspendisse bibendum dignissim justo. Aliquam vestibulum magna at iaculis eleifend. Sed mattis ligula et sem egestas rutrum. Vestibulum

          • Placerat ipsum
          • Etiam lacinia feugiat libero, quis sodales metus porta quis. Proin maximus feugiat ipsum id rhoncus. Donec quis dolor eu est sagittis cursus sed eu ex. Suspendisse bibendum dignissim justo. Aliquam vestibulum magna at iaculis eleifend. Sed mattis ligula et sem egestas rutrum. Vestibulum

          • Morbi volutpat enim
          • Etiam lacinia feugiat libero, quis sodales metus porta quis. Proin maximus feugiat ipsum id rhoncus. Donec quis dolor eu est sagittis cursus sed eu ex. Suspendisse bibendum dignissim justo. Aliquam vestibulum magna at iaculis eleifend. Sed mattis ligula et sem egestas rutrum. Vestibulum

          • Aliquam congue fermentu
          • Etiam lacinia feugiat libero, quis sodales metus porta quis. Proin maximus feugiat ipsum id rhoncus. Donec quis dolor eu est sagittis cursus sed eu ex. Suspendisse bibendum dignissim justo. Aliquam vestibulum magna at iaculis eleifend. Sed mattis ligula et sem egestas rutrum. Vestibulum